Webinar Series

Upcoming Webinars

The Evolution and Legacy of Roadside Architecture and Neon Signage

Thursday, February 20th | 1PM EST | 1.5 CE Credits
From the 1920s to the 1960s, the rise of the automobile transformed the American landscape, giving birth to roadside architecture and neon signage designed to capture the attention of motorists. Gas stations, motels, and restaurants took on distinctive, eye-catching forms, including the futuristic Googie style, while glowing neon signs became beacons of hospitality and modernity. This webinar will delve into the development of roadside architecture and neon signage as well as the challenges they face today—from demolition for new commercial development to the decline of skilled neon crafts people and the shift to LED technology.
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NAPC Webinars:

NAPC hosts webinars nearly every month on a variety of timely topics geared toward those working and volunteering in historic preservation at the local level.

Webinars are available live or on-demand, eligible for continuing education credits for 30 days after airing, and FREE for NAPC Members!

Review NAPC's Webinar Policy here.
Interested in sponsoring a webinar? Learn more here.

Enjoy member-only content by joining NAPC today! Current members can access recent webinars by logging into "My Account" and clicking on "Webinars" in the left menu bar. Click here for a complete list of NAPC Webinars.

NAPC's Past Webinars Have Included the Following:
  • Begin at the Beginning: Creating a Preservation Realtor/Developer Course
  • The ABCs of Historic Designation Pt. 1
  • Early 20th Century Architecture: Looking to the Past and Future
  • The ABCs of Historic Designation Pt. 2 - Local Designation
  • Best Practices for an Effective Local Preservation Commission
  • Not Another Integrity Debate: Local Preservation Efforts and Strategies in Action
  • Preservation Planning: Developing Your Vision, Goals, and Priorities
  • Mid-Century Housing: From Planning to Preservation
  • Community Outreach Strategies for Historic Preservation Commissions and Boards
  • Preserving the 1970s and 1980s: Why Should We Care About Brutalist and Postmodernist Architecture?
  • Sustainability and Historic Preservation: What do you need to know?
  • Reading the Design: Interpreting Architectural Plan and Elevation Drawings
  • Social Media Strategies for Historic Preservation Commissions and Boards
  • From Mansards to McMansions: Styles of the Recent Past
  • Advocacy and Grassroots Preservation: Fighting the Good Fight
  • No Such Thing as Open-and-Shut: Lessons Learned from Thirty Years of Defending Preservation in Nashville, TN
  • Hidden Tool for the Decision-Making Process: The Staff & Commissioner Support System

What webinars would you like to see? Send your ideas here!


As a member of the National Alliance of Preservation Commissions, you become part of a national network of historic preservation commissions, boards of architectural review, staff, local and state preservation nonprofits, and residents of historic districts who value their historic resources.

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NAPC is honored to serve as a national voice for local preservation. This would not be possible without support from members and partners around the country. Learn more about how you can further our mission to build strong local preservation programs and leaders through education, training and advocacy.